silastic ring?

on 1/7/10 11:04 am
Ok, so I had my pre-op appt on wed. I am having RNY on Tuesday.  I only heard on this silastic ring this week at my nut class. Has anyone had it? I am not sure if I want it. I am looking for info  please. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. the NP at the surgeon's office said that my surgeon reccommends it because about 20% of RNY patients stretch out after 2yrs. That is the only info she gave me.

on 1/10/10 11:41 am - Oakboro, NC
I have it, it is supposed to help keep your stomach at a smaller size forever. I have had no complications and I figured that why not have that done as well. It doesn't cost anymore and it is just another good thing!!!
Kimberly *Mommy to Cali May, born 7-16-08*

on 1/10/10 3:00 pm
Thank you for reply, I hadn't really heard of it, or the "fobi pouch".  I am still debating. Thanks again.

on 1/12/10 10:22 am
I had my first counceltation and the Dr. does a normal RNY but as an option will install the Fobi ring.  He showed me the ring, it barely fit on hit pinky.  Im concerend about having a foreign object in me.  Anyone had issues with corrosion?
on 1/21/10 8:42 am - chicago, IL
im seeking answers also because im getting a revision from having RNY ten years ago.and my doctor said he can do the ring on me and he said because i only weight 215lbs it will be hard to get an approval for the revision but this my get it. i told him ok anyone know where i can get info about it.
Chris I.
on 2/2/10 5:04 am
I'm having Bauman do mine with the silastic ring.  Surgery is Feb 9th. I haven't heard of many complications but I suspect it's similar to those of the lap band. (Erosion and such.) I'm not too worried about it.  If something goes wrong then it could be removed easily enough. Just be sure to be compliant and keep a close eye on yourself.

 -=- CHRiS aka "Butterfinger Ho" -=-   

                                         40 lbs lost while pursuing surgery.
on 2/2/10 9:47 pm - Goodyear, AZ
did you get the ring?
i have one and it has been 5 years
i do have a little bit of an issue but it can be addressed if necessary

best of luck
on 2/4/10 12:56 pm - chicago, IL
no im going to get it only because my insurance doesnt cover the la[band.
on 7/9/13 7:10 am

Questions!!  I ot the silastic ring done 12 years ago.  I have vomiting issues weekly-if not daily.  It's so unpredictable--can be a sip of a soft drink...or a cracker--I just never know when it's gonna hit.  Does anyone else have this problem?  i'm wondering what I should do--it's been going on forever--I moved right after the surgery and never had any follow up visits.  I know I need to go to a doc about it--just wondering if this is just how it goes after surgery???  Anyone else having this problem? 

on 7/6/17 10:32 am

Hi there I had ring with my gastric in 2004. Over time I think it can become eroded and cause issues. I lost over 100 lbs in first year, in 2016 I gained some belly weight due to bad food choices. I do vomit with chicken, other meats like that and was worried. I have lost 25 lbs the healthy way in 9 weeks and am a good 175 on 7/6/17 (Plexus). I go in Friday 7/14 for EDG to prep for ring removal. It's a foreign thing I want out to prevent Esophageal cancer or only being able to drink my meals in future years!!! My experience!

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