Hello Again! For any women over 5 ft 10 inches tall... Stats & Info Compilation
Hello Again Everyone!
I just want to take a moment and thank each and everyone of you for your comments and info. I very much appreciate it. I believe this exercise was the best way for me to figure out if my goal weight needed to be adjusted or if it was realistic.
I have provided all of the stats below, so that if any of you want to use the info to figure out something for yourself, they are there for you to see..
I was trying to figure out what weight I want to be aiming for considering my:
- age - 44 yrs
- height - 6 ft
BMI Info:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
- I personally did not do this surgery to be under or overweight. For me personally I know I want to be in the normal range... (That is my decision only, not anything I expect of anyone else...)
- So if I take the first 10 people with a normal BMI, the average BMI for those 10 people is: 20.59 which for my 6 foot frame translates to 152 lbs.
- If I average out the first 15 people (with a normal BMI) the BMI would be 20.95, which is 154 lbs.
- If I average out the 10 people that are the closest height to mine, within the normal BMI range, I compute a BMI of 22.2 and the weight would be 162 lbs
- If I average the lowest BMI's that are the closest to my age, the BMI would be 22, and the weight would be 162 lbs
- So...If I take the 4 averaged BMI's from above 20.59+20.95+22.2+22.= 85.74/4= 21.4
- AND, if I take the 4 averaged weights from above 152+154+162+162= 630/4= 157.5 lbs
- MY NEW GOAL IS 155 LBS (Was 140 lbs, then raised to 150 lbs...)
- Anything below that will be gravy... if my body will go lower great, if not, I will be happy here...
All Stats Recieved: (These were all formated into nice neat columns on my notes, but when I pasted them here, the formating did not carry over... oh well...)
sia 6' 1" 138 lbs BMI-18.2 33 yrs
avaava 5' 9' 130 lbs BMI-19.2 N/A
PeanutFreeMom 5' 7.5" 128 lbs BMI-19.7 36 yrs
Fawn M. 5' 5" 129 lbs BMI-20.1 30 yrs
cyndyr77 5' 10" 143 lbs BMI-20.5 32 yrs
jpconnie (friend) 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 39 yrs
Kim S. (Daughter) 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 16 yrs
LisaNichole 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 30 yrs
Bonnie S. 5' 10" 146 lbs BMI-20.9 N/A
stormy918 5' 8" 140 lbs BMI-21.3 59 yrs
~ Leelee ~ 5' 10" 150 lbs BMI-21.5 41 yrs
sassyjonz (surgeon) 5' 8" 143 lbs BMI-21.7 46 yrs
nicolerobinson 6' 0" 160 lbs BMI-21.7 N/A
Kim S. (recommends) 6' 160 lbs BMI-21.7 42 yrs
KCN 6' 1" 165 lbs BMI-21.8 31 yrs
jass28 5' 7" 139 lbs BMI-21.8 29 yrs
LabLimo 5' 10" 155 lbs BMI-22.2 47 yrs
jpconnie 5' 8" 150 lbs BMI-22.8 42 yrs
reinventingBetty 5' 8" 150 lbs BMI-22.8 30 yrs
missmaureen78 5' 9" 155 lbs BMI-22.9 N/A
dw45 5' 10" 160 lbs BMI-23.0 46 yrs
youngatheart 5' 11" 165 lbs BMI-23.0 56 yrs
Happytall1 6' 1" 175 lbs BMI-23.1 41 yrs
Kayla B. 5' 9.5" 160 lbs BMI-23.3 22 yrs
kiradot 5' 10" 165 lbs BMI-23.7 32 yrs
dcrowley33 6' 175 lbs BMI-23.7 39 yrs
fromyourmother 5' 10" 165 lbs BMI-23.7 36 yrs
sassyjonz 5' 8" 160 lbs BMI-24.3 46 yrs
Bubblishouz 5' 10" 170 lbs BMI-24.4 25 yrs
Bette B. 5' 10" 170 lbs BMI-24.4 49 yrs
andrea73 5' 9" 165 lbs BMI-24.4 35 yrs
Leslie 5' 11" 175 lbs BMI-24.4 45 yrs
firewheelmom 6' 180 lbs BMI-24.4 38 yrs
Beatriz A. 5' 11.5" 180 lbs BMI-24.8 N/A
Mandyplus2 5' 8" 165 lbs BMI-25.1 38 yrs
Jen4404 5' 7" 160 lbs BMI-25.1 N/A
Lisa O. 5' 10" 175 lbs BMI-25.1 47 yrs
kayakinbum 5' 9" 170 lbs BMI-25.1 40 yrs
koleary81 5' 10" 180 lbs BMI-25.8 28 yrs
jtraverse 5' 10" 180 lbs BMI-25.8 42 yrs
Tabitha70 6' 199 lbs BMI-27.0 39 yrs
justjoan64 6' 199 lbs BMI-27.0 45 yrs
Amanda-DS 5' 9.5" 186 lbs BMI-27.1 44 yrs
Ladies within an inch of my 6ft height: (from list above & always starting with the lowest BMI's)
jpconnie (friend) 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 39 yrs
Kim S. (Daughter) 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 16 yrs
LisaNichole 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 30 yrs
nicolerobinson 6' 0" 160 lbs BMI-21.7 N/A
Kim S. (recommends) 6' 160 lbs BMI-21.7 42 yrs
KCN 6' 1" 165 lbs BMI-21.8 31 yrs
youngatheart 5' 11" 165 lbs BMI-23.0 56 yrs
Happytall1 6' 1" 175 lbs BMI-23.1 41 yrs
dcrowley33 6' 175 lbs BMI-23.7 39 yrs
Leslie 5' 11" 175 lbs BMI-24.4 45 yrs
Ladies closets to my age of 44 yrs: (from list above & alwasys starting with the lowest BMI's)
avaava 5' 9' 130 lbs BMI-19.2 N/A
jpconnie (friend) 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 39 yr
~ Leelee ~ 5' 10" 150 lbs BMI-21.5 41 yrs
sassyjonz (surgeon) 5' 8" 143 lbs BMI-21.7 46 yrs
Kim S. (recommends) 6' 160 lbs BMI-21.7 42 yrs
LabLimo 5' 10" 155 lbs BMI-22.2 47 yrs
jpconnie 5' 8" 150 lbs BMI-22.8 42 yrs
dw45 5' 10" 160 lbs BMI-23.0 46 yrs
Happytall1 6' 1" 175 lbs BMI-23.1 41 yrs
sassyjonz 5' 8" 160 lbs BMI-24.3 46 yrs
Sent me her info. after I did calculations:
genelle 5' 10" 150 lbs BMI-21.5 45 yrs
Melody E. 5' 10.5" 170 lbs BMI -24 N/A
Thanks again...
Hugs, Cindy
I just want to take a moment and thank each and everyone of you for your comments and info. I very much appreciate it. I believe this exercise was the best way for me to figure out if my goal weight needed to be adjusted or if it was realistic.
I have provided all of the stats below, so that if any of you want to use the info to figure out something for yourself, they are there for you to see..
I was trying to figure out what weight I want to be aiming for considering my:
- age - 44 yrs
- height - 6 ft
BMI Info:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
- I personally did not do this surgery to be under or overweight. For me personally I know I want to be in the normal range... (That is my decision only, not anything I expect of anyone else...)
- So if I take the first 10 people with a normal BMI, the average BMI for those 10 people is: 20.59 which for my 6 foot frame translates to 152 lbs.
- If I average out the first 15 people (with a normal BMI) the BMI would be 20.95, which is 154 lbs.
- If I average out the 10 people that are the closest height to mine, within the normal BMI range, I compute a BMI of 22.2 and the weight would be 162 lbs
- If I average the lowest BMI's that are the closest to my age, the BMI would be 22, and the weight would be 162 lbs
- So...If I take the 4 averaged BMI's from above 20.59+20.95+22.2+22.= 85.74/4= 21.4
- AND, if I take the 4 averaged weights from above 152+154+162+162= 630/4= 157.5 lbs
- MY NEW GOAL IS 155 LBS (Was 140 lbs, then raised to 150 lbs...)
- Anything below that will be gravy... if my body will go lower great, if not, I will be happy here...
All Stats Recieved: (These were all formated into nice neat columns on my notes, but when I pasted them here, the formating did not carry over... oh well...)
sia 6' 1" 138 lbs BMI-18.2 33 yrs
avaava 5' 9' 130 lbs BMI-19.2 N/A
PeanutFreeMom 5' 7.5" 128 lbs BMI-19.7 36 yrs
Fawn M. 5' 5" 129 lbs BMI-20.1 30 yrs
cyndyr77 5' 10" 143 lbs BMI-20.5 32 yrs
jpconnie (friend) 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 39 yrs
Kim S. (Daughter) 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 16 yrs
LisaNichole 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 30 yrs
Bonnie S. 5' 10" 146 lbs BMI-20.9 N/A
stormy918 5' 8" 140 lbs BMI-21.3 59 yrs
~ Leelee ~ 5' 10" 150 lbs BMI-21.5 41 yrs
sassyjonz (surgeon) 5' 8" 143 lbs BMI-21.7 46 yrs
nicolerobinson 6' 0" 160 lbs BMI-21.7 N/A
Kim S. (recommends) 6' 160 lbs BMI-21.7 42 yrs
KCN 6' 1" 165 lbs BMI-21.8 31 yrs
jass28 5' 7" 139 lbs BMI-21.8 29 yrs
LabLimo 5' 10" 155 lbs BMI-22.2 47 yrs
jpconnie 5' 8" 150 lbs BMI-22.8 42 yrs
reinventingBetty 5' 8" 150 lbs BMI-22.8 30 yrs
missmaureen78 5' 9" 155 lbs BMI-22.9 N/A
dw45 5' 10" 160 lbs BMI-23.0 46 yrs
youngatheart 5' 11" 165 lbs BMI-23.0 56 yrs
Happytall1 6' 1" 175 lbs BMI-23.1 41 yrs
Kayla B. 5' 9.5" 160 lbs BMI-23.3 22 yrs
kiradot 5' 10" 165 lbs BMI-23.7 32 yrs
dcrowley33 6' 175 lbs BMI-23.7 39 yrs
fromyourmother 5' 10" 165 lbs BMI-23.7 36 yrs
sassyjonz 5' 8" 160 lbs BMI-24.3 46 yrs
Bubblishouz 5' 10" 170 lbs BMI-24.4 25 yrs
Bette B. 5' 10" 170 lbs BMI-24.4 49 yrs
andrea73 5' 9" 165 lbs BMI-24.4 35 yrs
Leslie 5' 11" 175 lbs BMI-24.4 45 yrs
firewheelmom 6' 180 lbs BMI-24.4 38 yrs
Beatriz A. 5' 11.5" 180 lbs BMI-24.8 N/A
Mandyplus2 5' 8" 165 lbs BMI-25.1 38 yrs
Jen4404 5' 7" 160 lbs BMI-25.1 N/A
Lisa O. 5' 10" 175 lbs BMI-25.1 47 yrs
kayakinbum 5' 9" 170 lbs BMI-25.1 40 yrs
koleary81 5' 10" 180 lbs BMI-25.8 28 yrs
jtraverse 5' 10" 180 lbs BMI-25.8 42 yrs
Tabitha70 6' 199 lbs BMI-27.0 39 yrs
justjoan64 6' 199 lbs BMI-27.0 45 yrs
Amanda-DS 5' 9.5" 186 lbs BMI-27.1 44 yrs
Ladies within an inch of my 6ft height: (from list above & always starting with the lowest BMI's)
jpconnie (friend) 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 39 yrs
Kim S. (Daughter) 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 16 yrs
LisaNichole 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 30 yrs
nicolerobinson 6' 0" 160 lbs BMI-21.7 N/A
Kim S. (recommends) 6' 160 lbs BMI-21.7 42 yrs
KCN 6' 1" 165 lbs BMI-21.8 31 yrs
youngatheart 5' 11" 165 lbs BMI-23.0 56 yrs
Happytall1 6' 1" 175 lbs BMI-23.1 41 yrs
dcrowley33 6' 175 lbs BMI-23.7 39 yrs
Leslie 5' 11" 175 lbs BMI-24.4 45 yrs
Ladies closets to my age of 44 yrs: (from list above & alwasys starting with the lowest BMI's)
avaava 5' 9' 130 lbs BMI-19.2 N/A
jpconnie (friend) 5' 11" 150 lbs BMI-20.9 39 yr
~ Leelee ~ 5' 10" 150 lbs BMI-21.5 41 yrs
sassyjonz (surgeon) 5' 8" 143 lbs BMI-21.7 46 yrs
Kim S. (recommends) 6' 160 lbs BMI-21.7 42 yrs
LabLimo 5' 10" 155 lbs BMI-22.2 47 yrs
jpconnie 5' 8" 150 lbs BMI-22.8 42 yrs
dw45 5' 10" 160 lbs BMI-23.0 46 yrs
Happytall1 6' 1" 175 lbs BMI-23.1 41 yrs
sassyjonz 5' 8" 160 lbs BMI-24.3 46 yrs
Sent me her info. after I did calculations:
genelle 5' 10" 150 lbs BMI-21.5 45 yrs
Melody E. 5' 10.5" 170 lbs BMI -24 N/A
Thanks again...
Hugs, Cindy