on 6/15/09 9:37 am
  Has anyone had a fobi done with the rny  and have lupus and having no problems with it?  My surgeon suggested it for long term results.   I recall that lupus sufferers cannot have any foreign objects like plastics or lap bands  due to our auto immune system would reject it and can possibly erode in the  stomach.  But the way it sounds of it being called  silastic band  is it silicone or plastic ? I would like some imput on this one.    Thanks
on 6/15/09 10:22 am - Anderson, IN
Hi.  I'm Jen.  I have LUPUS.  My surgeon refused to put any type band or foreign object in me b/c of the LUPUS.  She told me that I would be hard pressed to find anyone that would put a foreign object in anyone with ANY auto immune disorder.  (I wanted Lap band to begin with)  I went with just a RNY and have done very well.  My LUPUS is almost entirely cutaneous and my ANA is negative but they would not allow me to have the band.  I spoke to several surgeons and they all refused me the band for the same reason.

Have you found a surgeon that is willing to take this risk?  If you have I would get a couple more opinions.  If you have SLE I really don't think that it is worth the risk to have something left in there.  I am sure you can do really well with one of the surgeries that doesn't require any type of apparatus.  Good luck!
"Life is hard.  Afterall, it kills you."- Katherine Hepburn
SW 387.1/ CW 229.1/ GW 190 (Updated 7/27/10)

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