Wishing I didnt ever have the surgery?

on 7/21/09 4:16 pm - sherman, TX
You can send me a message anytime. If you have any questions I will answer them honestly. I wish you the best of luck.Hold your head up and things will be fine. I too was scared of the surgery its self. Kim
on 8/22/09 2:51 pm
are you doing better now and do you regret surgery.
on 6/20/09 12:53 am
I just came across your message, please don't.  This is only a temporary feeling, and think back how really miserable you were before you made the decision to have it done in the first place.  Please don't reverse it, you have so much to look forward to.  I had my surgery 7 years ago, and before I had my surgery I told myself, if its my time to go, its time to go, but it wasn't my time yet.  Well it's been 7 years later and it was the best decision I ever made in my entire life.  I turned my life around, changed career (I am still working on that).  It was an important and good decision that let to other good decisions.  When you feel good and think straight you tend to make better choices.  Don't do something you regret.   There were a lot of times and cir****tances I told myself, gee I wish I could of done that or told my self, I could do that.  Not any more, whether I was overweight or not, losing a majority of my weight just got me thinking more clearer, it is time to live and be the best person I can be.  I have some minor complications even after 7 years, but there are ways of dealing with  them or take a different approach and take care of them.  Tell your doctor how you feel but it really shouldn't be a reason to go back to the way you were.  Be good to yourself and take care.     

Ms. Marti
Paige F.
on 7/14/09 6:22 am
I am wondering how you are doing now.  I am pre-op and concerned about you and your progress.
on 7/14/09 1:32 pm - paterson, NJ
 :( oh i just decided am getting surgery and ready all this story scaring me :( but i need this surgery or soon i will die or something becuase i cant take it anymore am 25 andi weight 315 and  having so much achess...
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/09 9:56 am
RNY on 08/25/09 with
wow you have just made me even more scared. Thank you for the truth.  I am so on the fence about this.  I am upset all the time about my weight.  Everyday EVERYDAY I think about trying to loose weight.  I have not been able to. 15lbs -25lbs then right back to the same old thing.  I am scared about never eating again the way I do.  I like to eat.  If I do it then God knows I can handle it.  I hope. Let you know how it goes...
on 8/17/09 5:11 pm - nonya, AL
I had VBG almost 6 years ago and I almost died. I had respiratory failure during surgery and ended up in a coma on life support. I was in ICU for months and then rehab for more, learning how to feed myself, walk and function again. I cannot believe I am looking at these websites even considering WLS again! Thank you for reminding what a nightmare it was and how risky these surgeries really are!
on 8/26/09 4:31 am
please tell me what ever info you get, i am looking to help my sister that is feeling the same way. she is 2 months out and feels she is going crazy and just want to have this reserved . please if you find any info please relay it to me please and i will do the same thanks!!!!
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