How does the Fobi Pouch differ from RNY?

on 2/1/09 4:15 am - NY

I've never heard of the Fobi Pouch.  What is it?  Just curious.

Tammy :-)

on 2/2/09 10:44 am - Decatur, GA
Hi Tammie, The surgeon that I have chosen does the fobi pouch, in fact he recommends it. It is a modification to the Roux N Y gastric bypass The surgery uses a silastic ring band around the stomach that functions as a stoma. I was told that it was most costly as well..oh yeah with more weight loss. Alot of patients I have spoken with have many problems keepin food down even after months and years have passed with the I don't know what else to say to that. Hey I say make a informed decision!
  SW:350 /CW:190 /GW:180                              
on 2/3/09 3:43 am - Wilmington, CA

Hello, Hello!  I am a Fobi patient, just about 5yrs out.  There is a Silastic Ring that controls the stomach outlet size and it prevents the stretching of the opening of the pouch and has proven to improve long term weight maintenance results.  The percentage of weight gain after surgery is much lower than with a regular Roux-en-Y bypass.  Visit the link here on obesity help.  Lots of info.  Good luck.

on 2/3/09 12:16 pm - Sherman Oaks, CA
Hi, I'm a Fobi patient, almost five years out. I think it's really hard with the silastic ring and the bypass and reasizing of the pouch to cheat and start over eating, or overindulging, let alone gain the weight back. I was 256, and I'm still at 126 five years out. Hindsight in mind, i can't imagine having done a simple lap band or just the RNY because i'm sure i would have defaulted to old habits and gained weight back.
on 2/14/09 8:41 am - Greensboro, NC
I have the Fobi pouch and it is regular RNY gastric bypass but with a small silastic ring at the bottom of the stomach that is supposed to prevent it from stretching out later on.  I am 14 months out and have had no problems at all from it.   My surgeon doesnt charge extra to add the Fobi.  My surgeon just calls it extra insurance to preven weight gain in the future.   I hope this helps.  Karen
on 2/14/09 9:59 pm - NY

Hi Everyone,

Thank you very much for filling me in on what the FOBI is.  I wish I had known about it before I had my RNY.  I would have asked my Dr. about it.  It sounds like great assurance to know that the bottom part of your stomach won't stretch out.  Have a great day!

Tammy :-)

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