My Fobi Pouch is gone!

on 7/22/08 10:40 pm
I had this surgery back in 2000.  Per my gGsterologist, I have no pouch.  My food is going straight through.  Has anyone else been told this?
estelle S.
on 7/29/08 6:45 am - Brant Lake, NY
what does that mean ? your pouch is gone? you mean you have no stomach at all and it goes right to your intestines? is he concerned? are you losing to much?
on 7/29/08 8:58 am
that's right, but i'm not losing weight, i've gained.  i can eat as much as i want and whatever i want
on 11/11/08 3:37 am
I am really glad I just read your blog....I had mine in seems like it's not working anymore.   I've been curious if you found anymore info out.  I've gained about half the wgt
back.  Would appreciate hearing from you.
on 12/26/08 2:45 am
hi i had durgery under doctor fobi in 2003. I have gain some back but i must admit my eating habits have changed. If you work hard enough you can over ride the pou*****ertain ways. However, I use to walk at least 3 miles per day. My habits have changed the surgery is a tool to help u . We must do our part to watch our diets and excercise, this is  good practice for everyone.
on 2/3/09 12:21 pm - Sherman Oaks, CA
If your pouch is gone, wouldn't that indiacte a straight bypass was done without a pouch? Maybe your pouch stretched and is now the same as the attached deudenum? What does your GI Dr have to say about this?

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