Anybody here?

on 10/17/06 7:48 am - Leicester, NC

There hasn't been a post in here since late September.  Are there any people around who had the Fobi procedure?  My doctor talked to me about it.  It sounds like it is the same as the RNY just with the silastic band.  Is that correct or is the actual pouch or limb different too?  I think I want the band.  I originally wanted the lap band but that isn't going to happen because of insurance so I thought this might be the next best thing. 

Dena W.
on 12/23/06 12:45 pm - Tarpon Springs, FL
Tonya,  You've probably already had your surgery.  I just found the Fobi forum tonight!  What did you decide to do, Fobi or lap band or regular RNY?   I also noticed that you are with Dr. Bauman ... me, too!  I don't have a surgery date yet.  I've completed everything but having a B1 level drawn (I think that was an oversight by my doctor's office when I had labs drawn).  I have to wait until the 1st of the year to submit to insurance, though, because my current insurance company has denied my 2nd appeal and I'm changing companies since I know Cigna will cover it.  Drop me a note and let me know how you're doing and what you've chosen surgically.  Hope to talk to you soon! 
See my YouTube vlogs here:
Add me as a friend on Facebook:    Dena Waskiewicz               
Starting weight:  297 / Goal weight:  140's / Current weight:  138-143
Lap RNY 3/12/2007 ~ Fleur-de-Lis tummy tuck 7/12/2010

on 12/23/06 1:21 pm - Leicester, NC
I had the banded RNY, or the Fobi pouch procedure.  My surgery was Monday, December 11, 2006.  I don't come here often, but I'm going to start!  I wish there were more Fobi people here because there aren't many of us around on other boards.  My eating rules now are different than people with the regular RNY.  I liquids weeks 1 and 2 and have to do pureeds weeks 3 through 6.  I transition to pureeds on Christmas Day!  Anyway, if you have any questions, I'll try to answer!  Good luck to ya!

Dena W.
on 12/24/06 12:23 am - Tarpon Springs, FL
I'm going to keep in touch with you -- at least there will be 2 of us here.  lol  I'll be thinking about you transitioning to pureed tomorrow!   I hope to only be behind you by a month or so surgery-wise.  Hopefully things will move quickly after the first of the year for me.   How is your weight loss going so far?  I know it's been only a couple of weeks, but do you "feel" it yet? 
See my YouTube vlogs here:
Add me as a friend on Facebook:    Dena Waskiewicz               
Starting weight:  297 / Goal weight:  140's / Current weight:  138-143
Lap RNY 3/12/2007 ~ Fleur-de-Lis tummy tuck 7/12/2010

on 12/24/06 12:30 am - Leicester, NC
I don't feel or see it yet, but I know it is only a matter of time.  My weight at my first consult with Dr. B on September 14 was 457.  They consider my surgery weight 447, but that's actually what I weighed a week before surgery, November 27.  They don't actually weigh you the morning before surgery, so if you have a scale you might want to weigh yourself.  At my one week follow-up appointment on December 18, I was 427 so I was officially down 20 lbs.  That night, I tested my weight on the scale that I will be weighing on and it was within a couplea ounces of what I weighed at Dr. B's.  I weighed myself on Friday and I was at 421, so down another 6 lbs. in four days!  I'm down 26 lbs. from surgery and 36 lbs. from highest ever weight!  Good luck to you!  Hope things start moving quickly for ya in January!

Jill A.
on 12/31/06 10:28 am - Monroe, NC
Hello there.  I am glad to see the two of you on this thread.  I, too, will be using Dr. Bauman in Concord.  I have everything turned in.  My insurance chages Jan 2 so hopefully we can get the approval process started soon.  I plan to have the Fobi procedure.  Fortunately, the insurance company my employer changed to will cover it.  The last insurance company didn't.  I have talked with three friends that have gone to Dr. Bauman and they love him.  None of them had the Fobi because their insurance wouldn't cover the the band.  I'm really glad to hear from someone who has had it and I'm glad that there is someone in the same stage as I am in the scheduling process. ...Jill (Monroe, NC)
Bobbie L.
on 1/18/07 2:54 pm - Cokeville, WY
Hi!  I just found this forum today, I can't believe I never saw it in all the months I've been on OH!  Anyway, I just wanted to say hi to you all!  My name's Bobbie and I had my Fobi Pouch on 5/22/06 and I've lost 103.5 lbs so far!  It's been such a wonderful thing for me.  I'll be checking  back once in a while, just to see if anyone's posting.  I think it'd be fun to talk to other Fobi Pouchers!   Hugs, Bobbie

    265/135/135  (AT GOAL!!!)
    Got Myspace?  Come check mine out!

on 1/19/07 5:36 am - Leicester, NC
Cool!  There are gradually getting to be more of us!  There have to be more on this forum who just haven't found this forum.  I think the main difference in the support part of it is the diet in the beginning.  Dr. Bauman calls it the banded RNY, just refers to the Fobi pouch in the video.  I had read a lot online so I was familiar with what he was talking about when he explained it to me.  I'm surprised more people don't take advantage of this procedure!  I think the band is great! Right now, I am at 401, down 56 lbs. from pre-surgery highest and 46 from surgery weight!  I'm totally psyched!  I can actually see it in my face and feel it in my clothes.  It's awesome!  So, how are you all doing?  Those that are pre-op, have you made any more progress?  I'm not on OH much, but this really is a great source of support! 

on 3/25/07 8:40 am

Go****s nice to see some folks from my area.  I'm in Kannapolis.  I have my first appointment with Dr.B. on 4/25/07.  I have went ahead and scheduled some of the other appointments in April as well.  ( Dr. Kelling, Northeast Psyc. and obgyn) I have been researching weight loss surgery for about a year.  I want to find out more about the Fobi (banded RNY).  It never occured to me my insurance might not cover it. I guess I need to look into that.  Well, if I am approved at all.  I haven't got that far yet.  Hopefully there will be no problems. I am nervous and excited.  I've heard so many good things about Dr. Bauman and his staff.  kdmm   

on 4/17/07 3:06 am - Lawrence, IN
Tonya, I just discovered this forum today.  Up until recently, I had only heard this surgery referred to as a banded RNY, so now I know it is also referred to as Fobi Pouch. My wife and I both had the Fobi Pouch surgery last April.  She had hers on April 7th and mine was on April 18th (so tomorrow is my Surgiversary).  We have done great.  I've been maintaining my weight for about 6 months now with a 140 pound loss.  My wife has lost 176 pounds and wanting to lose another 9 pounds.  She had a complication so they ended up doing another surgery removing her band, but she's still doing great. I will try to get on this forum once in awhile to check on everyone's progress.  Would love to hear from you.  I'm going on vacation Saturday for 10 days, but I'll get back to you if you write. Good luck. Floyd

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