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Topic: RE: Today I am Reborn...So Make Room On The Loosers Bench!
Good Luck today and speedy recovery!! It feels great to be a LOOSER!!!
HW 271/SW 255 RNY Jan.21 08 RNY Revision July 25th 2013
Plastics done 4/21/10 (Dr. Sauceda)
Extended TT, Full Arm lift, BL/BA, Long Thigh lift
Topic: Today I am Reborn...So Make Room On The Loosers Bench!
Here we go. I go into the hospital in a few hours and emerge a LOOSER!
I am nervous but know that it is all in God's hands and know that things will be great through it. So, throw out a prayer for me gang cause here I go!

Topic: RE: Medicaid Coverage questions
I am not sure. I have medicare & medicade and the doctor I chose to go with required me to pay my psych eval cost and pre-op it was $1100 out of pocket in total. Call your plan and find out. Best of luck!
Topic: RE: whats next
Have you thought about maybe changing your medicaid plan? I have been told that it is a lot easier to deal with Medicaid/Medipass.
Sorry this happened to you and Good luck with what ever you decide to do.
Sorry this happened to you and Good luck with what ever you decide to do.
Topic: Medicaid Coverage questions
Can someone who has had surgery under Medicaid coverage tell me if they cover all your pre-op expenses, for example nutritionist visits, pyschologist, labs, etc.
I currently have Medicaid/Medipass and was wondering... And if they do cover, Do you first need your PCP's referral.
Thanks to all who will respond :)
Topic: RE: Thoughts & The Day B4 Surgery
I know you will do well...I'll keep track of you through your angel to see how you are doing. Maybe after both of us recovers, we can meet for a cup of coffee somewhere.
Topic: RE: Thoughts & The Day B4 Surgery
I hope your surgery goes well. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Topic: RE: Thoughts & The Day B4 Surgery
Good luck, I will keep you in my prayers for tomorrow. Let us all know how you are doing afterwards.
Topic: Thoughts & The Day B4 Surgery
I hope this finds each of you knowing in your heart that there is a better path for each of us to walk down and not to fear what lurkes in dark corners because it all comes to the light of day and we are not now who we were way back when.
Let yourself be your own personal warrior and not food. The idea of food is the great deciever, nothing can protect us from anything or comfort us from pain like we can.
It just takes the ability to admitt we are food junkies, the initiative to take the first step towards change and the fortitude to make the change stick...for the sake of ourselves!
Let yourself be your own personal warrior and not food. The idea of food is the great deciever, nothing can protect us from anything or comfort us from pain like we can.
It just takes the ability to admitt we are food junkies, the initiative to take the first step towards change and the fortitude to make the change stick...for the sake of ourselves!