Help scarry hubby!!
Hi, I`m a scared husband of a 45 years old wife, with a lot of health problems, like sleep apnea, diabetes, fybromialgia, tachicardia, liver problems, etc...
1 year ago she was 3 days from the surgery, but the doctor refuse to operate do to a problem with acid reflex. According to my wife that was not the reason, but my fear for this operation change the doctor opinion!!
It is true, I did a lot of internet research, and I am afraid to lose the only important person in my life. She weight 235 lb but her weight shold be 140 lb, not diet ever work do to lack of will power!! Please, if you have any suggestions I would like to read about it.
Thank you very much.
I am sure you have probably been told this before, but, I think it is important to hear again. Without the surgery you will lose your wife due to all of the health problems she has that can be directly linked back to her obesity. While there are definite risks to having surgery (any surgery) the statistics are showing that death following gastric bypass surgery is under 1%. I would say that those are pretty good odds. I was 45 when I had my surgery and weighed in at 310 lbs! I now am down to 155 lbs and a much healthier and happier person.
I hope this helps some. I do understand your fears, but think about how you will feel if something happens to your wife because she doesn't have the surgery. How would you feel then?
My prayers are with you!
My husband just told me yesterday that he really didn't want me to have surgery, but he would not tell me that because he knew it was something that I wanted to do. I didn't have a lot of comorbidities but I knew I would eventually. He is my greatest supporter and I appreciate love him greatly for letting me do this without telling me not to.