Daytona Beach/Ormond Beach Resources Needed
Hi all, Im not sure if anyone here can help me, but I've just been approved for Medicaid's Medically Needy/Share of Cost program and I don't know where /who/how to go about trying to finish up what I started back in 2003. My health has considerably worsened since and Im at the point now where I am desperate for help.
I originally was seeing Dr. Overcash when I had insurance, but things fell by the wayside. I haven't even seen a primary physician since 2003. I don't have much in the way of money now, but I'm hoping maybe someone on here knows a doctor in this area who takes the Medically Needy/Share of Cost program and/or a surgeon.
I'm also interested in finding any primary physicians who would be "fat friendly" as the last time I saw a doctor was at the Health Department of all things, and not only did they want to try and stop me from having Depo Provera, they basically made me feel like a cow.
I'm a 25 year old single mom to a fantastic 6 year old. I'm morbidly obese, perhaps even supersized. I'm nearing 400 lbs now...I've gained almost 100 pounds in just 3 years. I fear what the next 3 have in store at this rate.
I'm so glad I found this site again, I hope to be able to learn from everyone's wisdom and maybe help a person or two.
Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Rachelle check out this OH members profile then contact her.
She runs a support group in Ormond Beach/Daytona and I'm sure
she'd be able to give you support and direction.