Need Help
I have been looking and looking for a surgeon!! I called Dr Tenewitz office they said they no longer do bariatric surgery. And there is a Dr Fusco... he doesnt accept my insurance!! Can anyone please help me? I live in Brevard Coutny ( Palm Bay). I would go to Orlando...or Indian River County! With in about an hours drive from me. Anyone know of any Dr's that may be able to help me? Thank You!!!
Hello Cheryl
MY surgeon is Dr. Muhammad Jawad. He is located in Ocala but he just opened a satelitte office in Orlando. Also check in the Bariatric surgeons section of this site but Dr. Jawad and his staff are great. you'll find Dr. J's address and phone number in that section
Hope this helps
Dena T
Dena, I hope you will join us at the Leesburg Support Group some time. We meet on the 1st Wednesday night of the month at the Lake Square Mall Food Court at 7:00. If I can give you any more information, just let me know. Dr. Jawad did my surgery on Dec 7 and I have lost 68 lbs. He and his staff are wonderful. Hope to hear from you.
I am aware that you live in the Florida peninsula but my doctor who I have doing my RNY surgery this Tuesday is in Pensacola. He has done over 3,000 of them and has a fantastic record. He is well known with his collegues in this field. People come from surrounding states to have him do their surgeries. He and his office staff are wonderful and very friendly. Sorry, you might want his name huh???? Dr. David Nye. Give him a call. He is at the Bariatric Center at Baptist Hospital in Pensacola. God Bless and I hope that this helps. Kay Shaver