Hello to all.....it's been a while
I just wanted to stop in and say hi. I have not posted in awhile. A couple of month ago I was diganoised with a kidney problem. And more recently I have found out that i may need a hystorectomy, ( waiting on test results) so I haven't had much time to stop by. My weight lost is going well. I am just over a year post op and I have lost 115 lbs. Struggleing to loose the last nine pounds to my goal weight. I feel like maybe the weight lost from the surgery a ended. I hope everyone is doing well?
Amy B you look great!!!! I will try to update my picture soon.
It is great to hear from you! Hang in there, those last few pounds will go, just takes time. Ihope your kidney problems are better and if the doc says you need the hysto - go for it! I put mine off for years and once I finally had to have it done, I wish I'd done it years sooner! Everyone told me I'd feel so much better that I'd wish I'd done it 10 years earlier and they were soooo right! I never realized just how badly I felt overall due to those "female" issues!
TAke care & keep in touch!
Vickie J.