PS - Face Lift Question
I have an unusual question / problem.
I want/need facial plastic surgery. My sagging eyelids & brow are obstructing my vision. I've lost 25% of my visual field. Since I'm hoping my ins. will cover the eyelids & brow I'd like to have a face & chin lift at the same time. So far, so good. Now the bad news, I had a parotidectomy (removal of a tumor on the siliva gland, inc. remvoing part of the gland & facial muscle) several years ago. My ENT surgeon did a wonderful job and I have no visible scars, just a "sunken" place at the back of my left jaw bone that isn't very noticable to anyone but me.
Now here is my problem.... I've had consults with 3 plastic surgeons and all are OK with bleph & brow but I've gotten 3 different recommendations about the face lift . Since the facial muscle & parotid gland help protect the facial nerve and mine have been reduced or removed on one side, doc #1 said he would not do any kind of face lift b/c of the danger of paralysis of the facial nerve. Doc #2 said he can do a full face lift & chin lift, and doc #3 said he would only do a "mid-face" lift and a chin lift. I liked all 3 docs and would be comfortable using any of them. I just don't know which procedure to do.
What would YOU do?
Did you or anyone you know have a face lift after parotid surgery or other non-cosmetic facial surgery? Any problems? Would you/they do it again?
And to make matters worse, I have to let my insurance co. know TODAY which surgeon I want to use so they can review my coverage request.
Thanks for your help!
Vickie J.
Working in the medical malpractice field of law....I would possibly contact the surgeon who did your Parotid surgery and ask him his opinion as to the procedures/options you've been given. If you can't get into see him, at least write him a letter and hand deliver it to his office.
There also has to be a plastic surgeon that specializes in revisions of the face - due to tumors - like a reconstructionist specialist. Since you've had something removed...and now you want it readjusted - that would constitute reconstruction.
Every "nice" plastic dr. will of course tell you what he can do to make you look great. This is their business! I'd go with the first dr's advice, not to do it, or look into the brow lift for the eye problem only. I understand the need here.
You shouldn't be on the side trying to decide what is best for you - when in doubt, do without! I know some Drs. charge for a consult but your perserverance with research will be your best outcome!