sick, Sick, SICK...
Hi Kat,
I just read your profile...OMG! Girl you have been through it! I am praying that I will not have that much of an issue. I notice that when I puke (while I am drinking etc) nothing is really coming up. Just foam. I keep expecting to dump the little bit of liquid that I have but it is not coming up. A good thing I guess? Anyway, thanx for replying...I sure hope you get answers with the new doc fast!
I am so sorry you have been so ill. But, please go to the hospital if that is where you need to be. Of course your children want you home, they are children. Of course you want to be home you are their mother. But if you are not well-- you need to be where they can help you get better. It is not about being brave and stoic, this is very serious business and it scares me to death to hear you putting it off. I am sorry it that sounds a little strong but really it does scare me. God led you to a good doctor, who is trying to take care of you.
Thanx for being honest Red. I intend to call my surgeon in the a.m. and see what he thinks....again. I know that I am not completely dehydrated, so I keep hanging on trying to get in water enough to keep me from the hospital. I am not sure when I should consider going to the hospital really. Today I woke up and my pouch is sore and hurting so maybe sooner than later I will be going. I was soooo trying to make it past thanksgiving though. *sigh* I will call tomorrow and see what the surgeon thinks.
THanx again!