Need a place to stay in Tampa
Hi All....
I know I've been MIA for awhile, I moved to a new apartment and things are work are busy busy. I was wondering if anyone in the Tampa area could help me find a nice, but cheap hotel for this Friday night. I want to try-out for Starting Over on Saturday. Any help would be appreciated.
Sarah Margaret
Just Friday night or Satyrday also?
Where are the auditions being held? As to suggesting somewhere?
If you go to this site -
They have a BBW Dance on Saturday Night at the Comfort Inn
on Busch Blvd. just off I-275 North in Tampa. They have a
discount rate by mentioning that you'll be staying there for the dances.
Hi Sarah..Are you still looking for a place to stay in Tampa??? If so I am offering you a bed here at my home in Valrico 11 miles from tampa.. (down town) So just email me and if you want to your welcome and save your $$$$$.. We would love to have you..Cyndee..Ps. we have a large and very nice home....
Sarah--I am so happy to see you posting. I have thought about you lots recently. Tonight I have thought about you more often because I have been watching a show on Discovery Health about people who are SMO. There is a lady on the show who has lymphadema really bad and has lost some weight and they showed her having her skin removed. So, of course, I thought of you.
Anyway--glad you are doing well. I have had great luck with Priceline for the Tampa area. Good luck with the tryouts.