Hello Dena, my husband and I are working with vocation rehab right now as a matter of fact. They've said odds are looking good in my favor however hubby may not be so lucky. I've got well documented diet history, psych eval, cardiac and pulmonary work ups all while trying to get approved for WLS thru my primary health insurance. I also provided the refusal letter from my health insurance company so that they know I've exhausted all avenues available to me. I also applied for SSI yesterday and will provide a copy of that for them as well. We just found a surgeon that is certified as a division of vocational rehabilitation (DVR) here in ft lauderdale. So, things are moving and my counsler and her supervisor have advised me that it may be as soon as october that I'll have everything done and be ready for surgery! Cool huh? So call your local depart of voc rehab and go to thier orientation meeting (its about 1/2 hr) and get started. Get a letter from you Primary Care Physician refering and/or recommending WLS and any documentation from previous doctors or specialist that show your diet history, obesity related diseases or problems and as many referals for WLS for as many specialists that apply to you as possible! Good luck and let me know how it goes for you!!!