I'm very depressed!!!
Sorry to hear that, I am pre-op, my surgery is 07-25-05 and I am having the same problem, my mother is dying from cancer in Puerto Rico and I am afrain the clock is ticking against us, but I have to do this for me and her because right now Iam not even able to help myself, I just prey and ask god to give her a little more time. If there is something you could help or change, cancel it, if not, keep on. And allways belive that God works in misteries ways, good luck in all your desitions, Ruth. oxoxox
Pray it through Rebel, and I am sure you will make the right decision for you. There will always be things that interfere, some are legitimate, others are red herrings. Discern what this is in your life and that will help you make the right choice. But let the decision be yours, not one that cir****tances make for you.