Hey...Lets Get This Board GOING!
95 pounds! Awesome girl. You need a new picture up. What you say about getting the house in order is true. The only thing I've found...(and I'm a LOT older than you) is that I did so much damage to my knees carrying all that weight...that now I can't get down on my hands and knees to scrub without intense pain. But it is better....I can clean and clean and not fall out from it. Though its still not at the top of my list of things I love to do....it IS much easier now.
Up the protein to keep the hair...
HAHA....loved your Miami beep. It can be like that here....in our drive up garage.....! Some of these old folks will run you over if you don't get out of the way......
Its going to be a great weekend.....I hope the rains hold off for awhile....I'm looking forward to some fireworks on the beach....
Have a safe and happy fourth....
Love ya
Honk! Honk! No toots today as I haven't had any sugar alcohols. LOL! Waiting for Dennis to return from getting his hair cut and then going out to play. Have a great day!
I love all the people we met at the OH Orlando event and I am sure there are tons more out there who didn't attend--can't wait to meet everybody. Jeannie is right--what a sisterhood we are. Oops--brotherhood too.