Gallbladder Surgery Complication - Long VENT
hi hon i am so sorry u went through the problems some of the drs are really jerks and dont have any feelings for anyone ,,,i can realtate to u i just had a supposedly a simple breast biopsy ,thank god it was benign but they did it on May 2 and i had to go back for another hemotoma blood clot another breast surgery was swelled 3 times it was suppose to be and it was black all my whole breast all the way to the back ....all of this because they did not put a drain in it was awful one night it just burst like a water faucet i bet a gallon or more of drainage came out it scared me to death i was told it had abcessd it and all because of a drain ...needless to say it is july 1 and im still on antiobits i still have infection and i need this to go away before my wls on aug 17 next mo ....these drs are all about money and when u have problems they say oh well it will be better and more and more antiobitcs ...hon i wish u well and i can really realate to u ...i hope u will be fine and my prayers go out to u hon ....good luck