Bloodwork Results are In
Hey Guys!
I had to go back to the doctor this morning to review my lab results from last week. I had passed out a couple times and was very concerned since I hadnt done that since I was in highschool. Anyway, although I am faithful to my vitamins and supplements and try to eat a pretty balanced diet, it appears I am very low in B12 and folic acid, so now I have to take a weekly shot of B12 for 6 weeks and a prescription for folic acid for 30 days. When my labs were done in February, everything was perfect, so it is odd that 4 months later, I am low but at least, we know why and how to fix it.
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that even though you are taking your vitamins, you might not be absorbing enough for our bodies so stay on top of your labwork.
Take good care, Friends!
I just got my bloodwork back today and all labs were perfect. My B12 is on the high side of normal and that's where my surgeon likes it. I don't know why or how the B12 slips, but I know you do what you're told and you're very faithful with your vitamins, Amy. I know you'll get better test results the next time and thanks for the reminder on how important it is to watch what we do!!!
Amy sorry to hear your blood results where off. You'll do better after the B12 and folic acid. Hopefully you won't pass out again.
Got my first set of results back 2 weeks ago and being a serious anemic needing blood transfusions & having a platlette disorder along with vomiting on nearly a daily basis I was concerned but heck mine was great so was my protein, etc. I have been on B12 shots every 2 weeks for the first 2 months then every 3 weeks for the next 2 months then I go to one a month. I think that is what helped. In the meantime I take 1000 mg daily of B12 plus all my other vitamins.
Hey Amy:
Gosh, how scary. I just had some bloodwork done as well. Some from my primary physician and some from Overcash. I need to check in with Overcash's office on the B vitamin bloodwork. On the primary physician side, my iron is low so back tomorrow for a more comprehensive lab and also my liver enzymes are elevated, so they are going to do an acute hepatis panel and some other liver tests. Kinda scary, but I am thinking positive. You are absolutely right about taking good care of ourselves and staying up on the bloodwork etc...this surgery has so much reward (weightloss, self-esteem etc) that we need to remember our 'innerds' have been totally re-piped and we have to remember that there will be adjustments (supplements). I am glad they have a handle on things for you. I hope to see you this weekend at the OH Event @ the Doubletree!
By the way, you look incredible!!!!