i need help
Hey Chazlin!!! sorry we didn't get to talk much yesterday! I wanted to say - how are you doing? You know that's funny cause I saw Dr. O Feb 14 and I'm down only 29.5 and he said to me when I came in - if he was gonna be happy with me - and I said - the question is if I AM gonna be happy with me..to which another patient leaving his office laughed...it's not all about him..cause I try to discipline myself on everything I do. I was hoping to lose AT LEAST 40 lbs but due to a 6 week stall that slowed things down a bit...so don't sweat it...I told him I wanted to do the metabolic test but was told it was $150 and I couldn't afford that - and he said it was $75 so I gotta call and find out again...on another note we didn't discuss my weight much cause I told this problem I was having and it turns out that my Gallbladder needs to come out (yikes) so I'll be getting that done next Wednesday. How did your metabolic test go??