Need Prayers
I know this is an unusual prayer request for this web page, so if it helps then pray for me not to be tempted on this stressfull day.
My prayer request is for, My brother (25yrs old) who is currently 3 hours away from getting a liver transplant. He got the call to shands hospital this morning, after suffering for the last 4 years. He goes under the knife at about 3pm today (last i heard).
I am unable to go up to see him off or sit it out with our parents, due to my inability to sit long hours (8hrs surgery) in waiting room chairs not made for guys my size plus other complications. So im stuck at home, sitting by the phone. I did get to talk to my brother this morning on the phone, and he understands completely as his condition made it too hard for him to sit in the waiting room for my surgery earlier this month. So i will visit him when allowed tomorrow or when they allow him visiters.
Tho it is a stressfull day for me, im fighting off temptation to fall back into an old habit of going to food. So if you could save your prayers for my brother, and the poor soul who god called back early so that my brother could stay here a little longer, and pray for my parrents who are under about as much stress as they have ever been.
Thanks too all
Hi Joe - yes, my prayers are with you - as you recover - and your family and those who lost a loved one so your brother can live. All I can tell is TRUST in God, and to say that means to be at ease with the situation. When I was about to do my surgery and I had the naysayers try to talk me out of it - I stood my ground and I put my trust in God - yea I could have died - but I didn't. I'm still here. Doesn't mean you won't worry but Trust in God that He IS IN control of the situation. Then be thankful for it. And share that Trust with your loved one. Then everything should be alright - and if it isn't He will see you through it. We can not ask God to do our bidding - He won't but He can help us through whatever happens. Be strong - don't fall into food temptation...keep busy and keep prayerful...and keep us uptodate. God bless ya too.
I share with you these words from Twila Paris:
"God is in control. How often we need this reminder as we get caught up in the struggles of daily living. What peace could be ours if we would only claim God's power as our source of strength. In whatever situation you find yourself today -- whether you sing in joy and triumph, or cry in sorrow and loss -- may you know the all-encompassing love of God. May you place your life in His care, lean on His strength, and discover His everlasting peace."
I'm praying just now for you, your brother, your family and the medical team that treats him. ~Luvitsunny
My brother went into surgery aprox, 3pm and was done at aprox 7pm, the doctor said the liver looked to be good and my brother did real good through surgery and ICU. He did say that the 24 hrs following surgery would be the most critical, and that they should know sunday hopefully by noon if his body is going to reject the new liver.
Thank you All for your prayers, and Sorry it took so long to send a response on how my brother made out. Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement and love.
God Bless