Anyone want to carpool- Room share for the Orlando event?
I did finally hear from her when I got home from work. We did speak and are trying to work out some details. I believe it is going to work out. If Belinda wants to come thru here and ride the rest of the way with me/us, that is fine. I have a SUV which will comfortably seat 4 heavy people and maybe 5 is some are already thin- we have done 5 before with one of my son's friends. Have her email me.
Thanks for everything you are doing for me!
I do hope it all works out and you can make it. I know Lynda found a good price at Amerisuites, that's also where I'm staying. You might be able to find something cheaper. It was $65 per night, they might still have some space. Look up for info. I wish we could have picked you up, but we are staying until Tuesday and visiting with family.
Hi Amy,
I am happy to report that I will be able to attend. Jeannie Boyer on the site offered me room in her home and another OHer Angie will be riding with me and sharig gas costs. As soon as my replacement debit and credit card comes, I will be able to make my reservations. I am so excited- I especially can't wait to meet you!