Abdominal Pains?
Debra - you are not Alone!! I just came today from the hospital due to this very thing!!!! I had what appear to be gallbladder attack a coule weeks ago and went to see my doc and he ordered an ultrasound. Then yesterday I started having the pains again - primarily around or near the gallbladder so I was sent to a GI doc who had me admitted for 24 hours. After another ultrasound and endoscope - nothing was found. Had blood work done as well. Since March (that I noticed) I have had greenish clay like colored stool and no one can pin point what it is. I'm only 8 months out and thought the worst was over. I'll have to keep monitoring the situation....luckily i have a folowup visit with my surgeon on monday! take care of yourself.
Ruth, its possible you have a lesion (spelling) in your small intestines (sp) were you would be digesting your food. Most times an endoscope stops at the end of your large intestine and the beginning of your small, So any complications in your small intestine wont be found that way.
From my own experience and what i have heard is the greenish clay colored stool is excess stomach acid, you might be producing too much (if possible). All i know is my stool is that way alot (tho im only 1 month post op) and is causing me to have hemeroid like problems from time to time due to the undigested acid in my stool.
Good luck to you, hope you find out more on monday when you see your surgeon.