Key West Must Do's?
I'm going to Key West for 2 days this week. Any suggestions on what to do while there? I'm going with my BEST friend from college, it's her birthday kids!!! I have to make it AWESOME. I've been there for a day and took the trolley around, but didn't get to explore too much. We are staying at the Wyndham Reach Resort. I know there will be a lot of walking, but what's the next best way to get around?
I am not an expert on Key West, but here is what I do know. They celebrate the sunset. There is some bar place where everybody goes and drinks and cheers til the sun goes down. Oh and id I mention then they drink some more. My experience with Key West led me to believe everything is about the party there. Visit Hemmingway property. Go to Margaritaville. That's all I know. They have those trolly bus things that take you around to the sites and let you get off and on as you please. Have fun