home from PS
ok heres the details so far. thur 6-2 they started my PS (full body lift) around 6 pm. I did not get in my room till after 2 am. My surgery took way longer than the doctor expected. took him over 6 hours. But I am glad he had patients and did what he did. My incision looks great. wow im impressed. I have 4 drains that are doing well too.
Pain on friday It was bad. But the nurses were great they kept me well undercontroled. by saturday I had decided no more pain meds. I did well. walking and up out of bed. sitting in my chair. today I had 2 normal BM's with no help and a shower and back home.
I am doing much better than the doctor thought that I would. He was a very pleased surgeon.
Did I mention he took 18 pound of skin off me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TO BE CONT..............