Poll: How many of you think you will have PS?
I see alot of people are all for the PS, and I would like to definately look better if that is what would help. I know I can't stand to see my batwings however the problem - at least for me is the cost. As much as many of us - may say we want PS - the real question would be who could/can AFFORD PS. That is an entirely different question. My sister lost 110 or so pounds and I'm gladly heading that way and more however she has alot of hanging skin and unhappily has to live with it - because she can't afford to have PS. I may have to live with my hanging skin cause I don't have $4,000 which is the cheapest fee I've seen for armplasty, and ya know insurance doesnt' cover any of that (unless medically necesary) so I may have to live with a "melted" look, unless I find a money angel who can help me out. Anyone care to volunteer??
Hi Mayra,
I knew even before I lost my weight that I would want and need PS. I already had a Lower Body Lift and Breast Lift & Augmentaion back in Oct. of 04 and in July, I am having another consult w/my PS to have revisions done. Beware to those who are considering having PS done that there is a big chance that revisions might be required. This is due to some of us having really stretched out skin. The elasticity of our skin is very damaged by the great amount of weight gained and then lost. It was put to me this way. If you take a baloon and blow it up and then let the air out, it doesn't go back to its original form. It is now stretched out.
Because I am sort of a perfectionist and Vain....LOL...I am opting to have my tummy tuck redone and my implants taken out to have them enlarged for a fuller look. Everything looked great at first, but when the swelling went down over time, things started to relax again. Ugh! I was very disappointed that this happend because I sure didn't want to go through this procedure again. But I know it won't take as long this time. It took 7 hrs. last time. I also am looking into having my arms done and an Inner Thigh Lift. I'm not having the ITL done until sometime next year but am hoping on talking the PS into doing my arms when he does my revisions the end of this summer. I also decided NOT to have the full arm scar, I think I can get by with just having him pull and tuck the skin under my arm pit. We shall see what he says. I can live w/a little loose skin on my arms which are very thin, but not sure I want to live w/a very noticable long scar that there are no guarantees that will turn out thin and have a lightend scar result.
Next year I am considering while undergoing the Inner Thigh Lift having him remove the excess skin from my upper eye lids and the bags under my eyes which make me appear to be tired looking all the time. Call me Vain but I want to not only feel my best but look my best too if I can.
I am blessed that my husband is letting me use money from stock to cover the costs. I need this for my self esteem and I AM worth it!!!!
Some buy new cars, I'm buying a newer improved looking ME!
The surgeries are hard but well worth it. We won't be perfect because we really did damge to our skin, but we can look a lot better.
For those who choose not to and can accept the way you are, I applaude you, but please don't fault those of us who choose to have the PS. And for those who can't afford to have PS, I pray God will make a way and provide for the desires of your heart.
A truly blessed day to all.
Your Gastric Buddy,
Lap RNY 7-8-03
290/142 Below Goal
PS in Oct. of 04 and more to come!