Any other Pink Hatter's out there???

a downeast yankee -.
on 5/29/05 12:18 am - Ocala, FL
Yep, I'm a member of the Bella Babes in the Red Hat Society! I'm a pink hatter since I'm under the age of 50. Pink hatters have to wear a lavender outfit with a pink hat, rather than the purple outfit and red hat. I have a flambouyant pink hat that is surrounded by lavender feathers. I enjoy playing dressup and going out with the gals.
Tami H.
on 5/29/05 10:57 am - Winter Park, FL
yes, but I don't get with my group too often. They all know each other and its hard to fit in. My schedule doesn't always fit theirs, but they are nice gals! Blessings, Tami
a downeast yankee -.
on 5/29/05 11:40 am - Ocala, FL
I understand completely. Sometimes I feel funny as well, since I'm the only pink hatter in the group right now. I also have times when my schedule conflicts with what they have planned, but it is good to be able to get out and go when I can. I think my group is planning to go to a grape stomping in June at the Lake Ridge Winery--off of the turnpike? Don't know when it is yet tho. Maybe I can find out and we can meet, if your schedule allows. God Bless, ~Roiann
Vickie K.
on 5/29/05 1:06 pm - FL
Sounds interesting "What is a Pink Hatter"?
on 5/29/05 5:39 pm - weston, FL
its a premature entrance into the red hat society
a downeast yankee -.
on 5/30/05 1:32 am - Ocala, FL
To answer you're question, here is the quote from the Queen Mother, Sue Ellen, who started it all! "The Red Hat Society began as a result of a few women deciding to greet middle age with verve, humor and elan. We believe silliness is the comedy relief of life, and since we are all in it together, we might as well join red-gloved hands and go for the gusto together. Underneath the frivolity, we share a bond of affection, forged by common life experiences and a genuine enthusiasm for wherever life takes us next." Sue Ellen Cooper, Queen Mother Here is the poem by Jenny Joseph, titled "Warning." It kind of explains where "we" come from. I am only 41 years old, so that is why I have to wear a lavender outift with a pink hat. The coming of age, "50" is when I have to wear the purple outift and red hat. ~Roiann Warning When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandles, and say we've no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells And run my stick along the public railings And make up for the sobriety of my youth. I shall go out in my slippers in the rain And pick flowers in other people's gardens And learn to spit. You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat And eat three pounds of sausages at a go Or only bread and pickle for a week And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes. But now we must have clothes that keep us dry And pay our rent and not swear in the street And set a good example for the children. We must have friends to dinner and read the papers. But maybe I ought to practice a little now? So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple. Jenny Joseph
Vickie K.
on 5/30/05 3:00 am - FL
How cute. But I notice in your pic you are wearing purple and no hat? thanks for sharing...
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