Question of the day...

on 5/28/05 3:47 am - Orlando, FL
I have two moments that are forever in my mind. #1- I used to work as a teacher at a cosmetology school and I was teaching a chapter on bacteria. Instead of "organism" of course I said "******". The class had a good time with that. But 2 weeks later I was teaching the same students about hairstyling techniques. Instead of "blowdrying" I said "blow___". That group of students NEVER let me forget those slips of the tongue. Even years later when I would see some of them, they always wanted to relive it. #2-I was pre-op and went to see my surgeon. This was before I had my CPAP for the SA. Omar and my brother were with me in the waiting area. I was sitting on a loveseat that was up against the wall. Well, of course I dozed off and my head went back and just slammed into the wall behind me. There were so many people around and you could see they were trying not to laugh but my loving husband and brother just about peed their pants laughing at me. Then Omar had the gall to tell the nurse about it when we got into the office. Everytime we go to see the surgeon he brings it up. And it hurt where I banged my head. LOL Sincerely, Dawn Post-Op 9/23/04 399/258/200
on 5/28/05 11:19 pm - largo, FL
Oh goodness Sallykate, I've got so many embarassing moment! I guess I'm just do and don't worry to much about Alexa and Sarah can tell you ;) One of my rated G mistakes was a few years ago, my brother, mother and myself were out sailing one of our small day-sailor boats. We were moving at a really good clip and having a truely wonderful time! Bright, clear sunny day and shimmering clear seas it was dreamy! I was relaxed on the side of the boat that was closest to the water while my mother and brother where on the other side. I had just put my face back and let the tips of my hair drag in the warm water when POP! The mast broke from its base and the boom went right over my nose, past my head and into the water! I was stunned as were my family. We still turned it into a positive experience, we gathered up the sail and started rowing to shore, which turned out to be useless because we didn't have enough oars to move the boat. It was too heavy. Well, to make a long story short ( I know, too late!) we ended up being rescued by Marine Patrol. The captain was just gorgeous and I wanted to be cool about the whole thing. We tied up our boat to his, got onboard and off we went to the shore. All along the way I was playing it "cool" and trying to look gorgeous as well (LOL), however, when we came to shore, the captain tried to help me off the boat, being the polite gentlemen that he was, but I wanted to show him I was strong too! Well, instead of gracefully getting off the boat, I slipped on the deck and fell right on the captain! So there I laid, stradling the captain, face to face while my brother and mom were laughing so hard they could barely breathe! THe captain smiled about it but I had already died inside. My face burning red with embarasement, I decided to hop off the boat and turn down the captian's offer of assistance again. Well, to make matters worse, I hadn't anticipated that the clear sea water was quite a bit deeper than I thought. So, off I hopped (still trying to recoup and be smooth about it all) and straight down I went, into well more than 15ft of water. I came up gasping for air because I didn't hold my breath on the way down, thinking it was only a couple of feet deep. I looked like a complete goof and felt even worse. I remember that day wounding my ego for many, many moons after that. Looking back, its seems like nothing, but to a young woman, eager for a hot guys attention, its devestating!
Sallykate Losing

on 5/29/05 3:04 am - North, FL
All I can say is .....OMG!!!!
on 5/29/05 6:29 am - SEFFNER, FL
It is a little late but A story that needs to be told - When I was younger my mom and brother had moved out and she had a roomate.While visiting my mom one weekend ( I stayed with dad) her roomate said that while they were at work they had left a list of chores to keep me busy - And then she adds " and use some elbow grease". Well I looked high and low but could only find commet - so away I cleaned - When they got home I made sure to let them know that I had done all the chores on the list but that they needed to add elbow grease to the shopping list because I had looked all through the house and in the garage and they were all out so I had to use plain ole commet. _ they never let that one go and love to tell my husband and mother in law every chance that they get ------
Sallykate Losing

on 5/29/05 3:55 pm - North, FL
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