Question of the day...
Hi everyone!
Thanx so much for your love and well wishes for Bilbo. He is doing so good. I took him to the vet and as we suspected he is anemic and severely underweight so I will have to give him a liver and iron supplement. The good news is ... no worms and NO feline leukimia! Yay for that!
Summer plans... do you have any? Vacation? Visitors? How are you planning to spend it?
In June we are going to SC for hubby's family reunion for just under a week. Then at the beginning of July, my mother, and 2 of my daughters will go to VA to be with my sister while her baby is born for about 2 weeks. (her hubby is navy and at sea) Then in Sept. the whoe family goes to TN for 2 weeks to visit my Aunt for a mini-family reunion.
BUSY summer!
After all of that ( I know this is not summer but...) my sis and her hubby and 4 kids will come in Nov. from Turkey to visit until xmas and then she will have her 5th (surprise) baby here in the US.
I forgot to mention that I will have my WLS in Aug. the Lord willing and Aetna doesn't go bankrupt!!
I have NEVER had this busy of a summer b4 or year for that matter!
Have a fantastic day!
Work work and more work....One day we will vacation. Seriously...I am trying to mend some hard feelings between my husband and his ex wife in order to have his girls come and visit. Honestly I don't get why he has to be and ATM machine and nothing else. Hope everyone has a great summer this year. I want to wear shorts this year...maybe. Lots of kisses for Bilbo.
We are leaving next Tuesday to go to my grandma-in-law's wedding in Western New York. The whole family is driving up including my mom. The Sunday after the wedding my husband is flying back to Orlando and my mother and the 3 kids are continuing on a vacation. We are driving thru Niagra Falls, thru Canada, thru downstate Michigan to Upper Michigan. We are going to do my father's last wishes and then continue on and go to Wisconsin to see my mother's family and family friends. We are planning on this taking 2 1/2 weeks.
I am also planning on my house being fixed this summer, since we now had to move out of certain areas of the house.
My family is planning a July 4th party at our house...if anyone wants to join us let me know. The people on our lake celebrate with tons of fireworks.
August we all have to drive to Ohio for my father's family reunion..that is only for a weekend.
September my cousin's step-daughter is getting married, she don't want her real father to be a part of the wedding so my cousin is soooo excited. I am sure a few of us will drive or fly up for that.
Well today is the last day of school for my kids...I am so excited that I can sleep in a little bit starting tomorrow.
Summer. Who knows. With an active hurricane season predicted, our plans are litteraly up in the air. Hubby and I are taking a dive class in a few weeks and plan to hit several of the dive spots in florida, including the keys, panhandle and the freshwater springs thru out central florida. We're also planning a trip to disney (big suprise right?) with all of my siblings, thier spouses and kids. Hopefull I'll be posting that I will also be having surgery this summer too! Fingers crossed!
I plan on spending my summer getting approved for and undergoing bariatric Surgery. I am working on my appeal to Aetna which I will be sending in on July 8 - and hopefully Ill be approved that second week in July and sceduled for surgery by Spetember at the latest! Keep me in your prayers that this goes through please!!!!!!
Gosh i will work work work till i cant anymore.. Can not afforda vacation. I can not even remeber the last time I went on one... OH well plus i have to pay for summer day camp X2 and the food alone is gonna kill me lol... drinks, snacks, lunch food, ... and then the regular daily food we need to eat dinner and breakfast... ahhhhhhhh lol... lol... hey i know one thing when i have this surgery done i will save a little on my food bill.. at least with me.. lol... man im trying to lose the 35lbs the insurance wants me to lose in order for approval and man fresh fruit, yogart, fresh veggies, snacks i can eat... now i know why im as heavy as i am because it costs a fortune to eat,,,,
Well I work work and work, so we usually take long weekend trips locally. We go to Naples to the beach or the Keys. We also go to Disney 1 or 2 times. We just got back last weekend from there. It is the first summer in a long time that I am going to wear shorts and skirts. I feel "ok" in my tankini so we will hit the beach this summer. My kids will love that.
Take care,
In 2 weeks my BEST friend is coming down from Ohio. It was suppose to be a total surprise for her, but yesterday was her b-day and her mom and husband HAD to tell her. We will be going to Key West for 2 days then just chill in Miami the rest of the time.
Then I am going to the OH event in Orlando, took a couple extra days off work so I can spend some time at Disney.
Nothing else really planned except to get to the beach as much as possible. I would love to get a chance to go to LA for a taping of Ellen but the website says to check back in July.
In October, my cousin is getting married in Las Vegas so I'm planning on going there for a week with my mom, and possibly sister.