Poll for Jacksonville
The meetings at the OP mall seem to have died down. There wasn't one for May and only 3-4 showed up in April. I know Erika has gotten a job and become very busy, so Sallykate and I are willing to take on the monthly meetings for Jax. Before we do, we would like some input. First, how many people are actually interested in having meetings? Second, what day/time would be best for you? We want to "fun it up a little more". We have some ideas we're working on, but before we make anything concrete, we would like your opinions.
I have not yet had my surgery, I am actually just beginning getting everything going with my journey. However my aunt had the surgery 3 years ago and she said that one of the most important parts is the support meetings I would love to come and will continue to come throughout my journey. Anytime except Wed. Night is good for me. thanks