Question of the day...
I'm telling ya, I have always believed that for the most part, names carry significant meaning over our lives.
My kids each fit their name meanings to a "T". For example, my second oldest is named Serena. Her name means calm and peaceful. THAT sums her up exactly. She is laid back and "serene' and very much the peace keeper in the house.
Anyhow, I think it is neat that your name suits your lifestyle so much.
I am running late and already into next day but I wanted to play too so I looked up my name.
It means song, hymn. Maybe that is why I hum so much. Drives my family crazy sometimes and I don't even know I am doing it. Sometimes I actually look around wondering "who is humming" then I notice it is ME. There is always a song in my heart and I hope it always is.
Thanks for the great question.
Have a great day.