I got the call tonight that my e-mail segment was used for the taping of Monday's show. It's still possible that it might get edited out for time reasons but the producer said it looked great and should be on.
Wow Sarah I'm going to TiVO it! I wanted to see the follow up on that amazing woman who has lost so much weight and she's on Monday's show. Are they doing a story about you and your journey? I can't wait to see it!
~ Trish
I e-mailed them the last time Stacy Halprin was on the show. I said how seeing her journey inspired me. I mentioned my weight lose. My segment will be a part of Stacy's update....like see what our veiwers have to say.
That's Great Sarah. I believe it is important that we all get the word out anyway we can. It helps the ones that follow us into this journey. I will be watching Monday also.