Our support leader lives in Jacksonville. Respond me with your email and I will send it to her so that she can respond to you - hopefully she will have a suggestion for you. You'd think at this stage of the game you find support in a major way from your PCP. What is wrong with him/her?? Let me know if my leader can help.
I can recommend my PCP, Dr. Jennifer Diana (she isn't a MD but is an assistant to Dr. Lorenzo Corpus but she is the only one in the office I ever go see and she is awsome!) Their office is on Normandy Blvd. near Fouraker. I think they are affiliated with Shands. Phone # is 786-1525. Hope this helps.
I've only seen Dr. Corpus, my husband has seen Bruce, and certainly wasn't impressed! I won't get into too many details (although you can read someon my profile) but I'm not very happy with the office staff either. I only picked that office because it was less than 5 minutes from where I live. I knew nothing about the Dr., and not knowing anyone in Jax makes it hard to find a decent one.