Nerve Conduction Tests-
I would appreciate everyone's good thoughts today. I have been having tingling on the bottoms of my feet so I am going in to have lower body nerve conduction tests today. I am not sure if they are going to do emg's or not. The neurologist talks so fast. I am not at all sure what all is involved. Usually by the time I have some sort of test done I know as much about it as the person giving it, but not this time. I have heard everything from it is extremely painful to there is nothing to it. I guess I will find out this afternoon.
Hey there. The part where they put the needle in to test the current does not hurt at all. They are like very tiny accupuncture needles. I didn't even feel them. However- the part when the send the electric current through you legs/feet is very uncomfortable. Especially in the foot. I had one done about 1 1/2 years ago for bad back and leg nerve pain (ended up being my back) The test is relativley short...jsut a pain in the you know what. Good luck. Let me know how it goes.
I had all four limbs done. It really was not as bad as I thought it would be. Although it one point I told the tech during the NCT "I am going to Hawaii for the next five minutes" and you know actually, the test wasn't as bad after that. The EMG was no picnic and at one point the Doctor said wow I have never heard a scream like that. But I did live through it.