Question of the day...
Howdy fellow Floridians! The week is almost gone again. I hope yours is going good.
What is one of the best pieces of advice you have ever gotten?
I remember my mom advising me this when i had my first child, she said, be careful about saying "not now" or "in a minute" to your children too much because more often than not, that "minute" or "now" never comes and your precious time with them slips away.
My Mother told me when I little to watch what I put in writing. That what was written -- was like what was said could never be taken back with the added danger of once you wrote it down you could never ever be sure who might see it or when it might pop it and bite ya. Now it may seem a little paranoid to some -- but -- it sure has saved me a few times. Times like when I was young and thought I was in love or when I was so angry I could spit nails. And even in some professional situations. All in all pretty good advice.
Oh and I have another one from my dear Mother. When you are having trouble with a boss or co-worker -- the very best thing to do is to "pray them up the ladder". Mama always believed it was wrong to wish bad things to happen to other people. So when these people are making you miserable on the job -- you just pray for them to get a little bump up -- that way -- your life is easier, you have not wished them any harm, and in your heart you know they will get theirs one day-- and you will have a clean conscience.