Green "stool"
Sorry to bring this up - but I know it's kinda weird and wanted to know if anyone has "noticed" this. Bilirubin is a pigment produced by the liver and too much of it can cause jaundice, but to little can cause green? stool. Was wondering if anyone had checked. I don't seem to have any health problems but thought I'd check with anyone to see if they are going through the same thing. It will be interesting to see the replies on this one!
Also- when food passes through the diestive system too fast- it can cause lighter green or even a yellowish stool. People who have IBS with diahrea (irritable bowel) can have this (like me =( ) . To me it would make sense that bypass people could have it since the food passes through the system faster.
The famous poopie. I have found out that if you eat veggies (a lot) then you will have green poopie. Light brown if you have taken in a large amount of Protein. Dark Brown if you have had too much carbs.
Now to put the stinkie on it. Man, I could clear a room if I fart. Even my dog leaves gasping for air. Now after a #2 you take your life into your hands if you go after me. Even after the spray. Go figure. I had the RNY.
So there you go that is my thoughts on Poopie.