heah every one my name is...
heah every one my name is kassandra and i am new to this site andi just started the process for the surgery and i just keep worry that i am gonna be denied have any of you had united health care ? I was just rying to see what they are like i have my all my appt set up for next week and i should find out more then i guess so just my be somebosy has he uhc and can tell me how they are.. thanks kassandra west palm beach
thank you guys for welcoming me i really need all the advise i can get i am just so worried about ths insurance thing you see my mom had the surgery 2 yrs ago and went threw hell with aetna to get approved finally she did and all is well she has lost 22o lbs so far i just want to be here for my children i have 2 little boys and i have never been this big befor i had my children i was a 115lbs now i am 264 so you see all i keep doing is worrying!! Heah has any body used dr liem?? i just want some input on him thanks all kassandra wpb
Hi Kassandra - welcome! I have United Healthcare. I originally had the HMO and when I found out it was not or would not be covered by the original surical company I was gonna go to - I was able to change it to the PPO. Although it has an "exclusion" they do approve it for "medically necessary". Which I did not worry about - I have been with my PCO over 6 years and being treated for diabetes and high cholesterol. Through the insurance is how I found my doc. My doc's requirements were only to write 2 letters and do a stress test. If you look and follow your policy rules - you should be alright. I was approved in 14 days. Good luck to you. Hang in there!
I have united health care wand was approved in 14 days. Keep in mind its what your employer will pay for with there policy. there was 3 of us at my job who had the surgery and the owner of the company at the begin of the year took it out of our policy. Best of luck to you.
e-mail me privaly if you have any questions that you dont waish to share with the group. I ahve gotten alot of support here.
[email protected]