OT: Part-time job ideas???
Anyone have a suggestion for part-time night/weekend jobs? I'm thinking about selling AVON, but know there is a chance I will buy more than I sell. I also live across the street from Target, but not sure how flexible they would be with my schedule. Lane Bryant...once again the spending all my income on clothes. Any safe reliable work from home oppertunities out there? Or if BellSouth and Comcast have part-time customer rep. positions?
I am not sure what kind of pay you are looking for...but I used to work for Blockbuster as a second job and it was a blast! The pay isn't the greatest, I think around .50 over minimum wage, but they are usually looking for nights/weekends help and free movie rentals are involved! Good luck on finding something!
That sounds like a good one...I have a full-time "good" job but with all my medical bills, etc things are tight and since I won't have any extra events at work over the summer I figured this would be my chance to make some extra money. I have at least 2 Blockbusters close by...I'll check with them.
Thanks again...and when will we be seeing you on TV?