What to say or not to say.... that is the question.
Please explain what a binge eater is. I'm not sure if that is what I am or not. My husband says I'm not, but there are times I can't control myself and I will over eat. I don't hide it or stuff things down my throat or make myself throw up. Also what other things should I tell or not tell the psychiatrist. Thanks for your help.
This is from web MD ....
If you feel out of control over how much you eat, you may have binge eating disorder. The hallmark is eating large amounts of food in a short period of time (a couple of hours) and not being able to control yourself or stop eating. After binging, you are overwhelmed by guilt, embarrassment, and distress, along with feeling uncomfortably full. Long-term problems associated with this disorder include being overweight or obese and having related complications, as well as depression.
Felicia, you got an answer on the eating...as far as the psychiatrist goes, in my opinion, tell him everything. Don't try to hide anything. If you have any kind of major emotional problems prior to surgery then they will be there after surgery and will be multiplied. Why? Because we are losing our crutch. Because we are losing the one thing we always had to fall back on when we had a problem...food and eating until we feel better. If you hide a problem and don't deal with it, you will feel worse after surgery in trying to deal. Be honest with yourself and your doctor.
Good luck,