medicaid help!!!!!!
help!! i know some of you responded to my message earliar about medicaid possibly helping with skin removal, but i have no idea how to go about asking them, i have a hmo, through medicaid,staywell, and wonder if that would limit me on even asking medicaid. i'm very confused, and so; very very depressed about the whole situation. it is really stopping me from living a full life, and having normal relationships with my husband and children. those that have this problem understand fully i'm sure. if anyone knows of any idea on how to get this skin off, please , please let me know. thanks, cynthia
i would assume if you talk to your pcp maybe he or she could find a way to do something for you.. medicaid in florida unfortunatly is getting extremly tight as far as things you can do as an adult. My children had it for a while when i was out of work and i know even for them there cutting back on some things. Because Florida does not have a state tax unfortunally the social service funding sucks... I know if you lived for example in the state of RI they would pay for it, because I lived there and had some friends who had the surgery and had some need of skin removal. I am sure it would take a while to get approved as well because with state funded health care they stall alot.. But ask your doc maybe he or she could find it medically nessasary to have something done with it.....
try this site... i know its in St Petersburg but its not that far from Orlando.. I live in Orlando well Apopka area and would visit ppl in st pete its only a 3 hr drive....
site::: (http://www)