Panhandle meet and greet?
I am @ Hurlburt Field (Fort Walton Beach Area)....I was just thinking we should have something in our area...........I'd love to do a meet and great for our area as well....I'll think of some dates and throw them out to ya'll...Hopefully it will be soon....
281/132 @ Goal and Beyond................
Come on down to Tally-town!! All you guys & gals are welcome at the Tallahassee WLS support group! We just met Tuesday night (4/12) for our monthly evening "dinner" meeting. We also meet the 4th Saturday of each month at a member's home. Our next meeting is 4/23 and if you're interested, let me know and I'll give you the info & directions.
Vickie J.

Careful what you say. All of us Bama folks with be knocking on your door.
I love PCB and go there every year... In fact, I was just there in February... Quite cold I might add....brrrrr... You will have to give us bamaians some pointers on what to do and where to eat when we come down..... I will probably be coming your way in May... I would love to keep in touch with you....