One year out tomorrow
I am one year out tomorow. I have lost 160 pounds, and Iam almost at goal. My goals were to get to 220 pounds, and be wearig a size medium shirt and 34" pants. I am at 225 pounds as of this morning, I wear large shirts that are getting too big and just bought some medium t-shirts that fit nice. And I wear a size 34 in jeans and 36 in dockers, so I am all but at goal. I might go down to 210 pounds but I think I'm going to sit at 220 for a while before I make that decision. It's been a wild trip, like I tell other people it's definitely an E-ticket ride. I would definitely do it all over again in a heart beat, and would try to convice anyone thinking about it, to have it done. I want to thank everyone who has been here for support, because you really can't make this journey alone. And this site was a big help as I was getting started. So thank y'all fo all you have done.
Thanks Alexa. At Disney world, you used to buy books of tickets to ride the rides. Little kid rides were a tickets, and the better rides were b,c,or d tickets and the biggest and best rides were E-tickets. So if you wanted to go on space mountain, it was an E-ticket ride. Like someone else said, you would buy a book and there would be 10 A tickets and only 2 E-tickets, so you had to buy more ticket books if you wanted to ride more good rides.
Congratulations on your success! Stories like yours inspire me on tough days.
E-Tickets. The biggest rip off was that each booklet had a gazillion A tickets, and only two E's. The trick was to make friends in the hotel with a family with little kids so you could trade. At least that's how I remember it when I was eight.