Q of the D
I haven't changed my driving habits too much. I drive an SUV -- my drive to work is 37 mi. one way. I used to put premium in the MDX all the time but now I alternate with the middle grade. But really.......there's mere change between the two.
After I get home and for local trips in the neighborhood I try to use my DH's Honda. It's much better on gas.

Morning Amy, These prices are killing me! I drive an SUV as well, FORD expedition and with it's 30 gallon tank it takes me $70-80 to fill it up! In addition, I can't use the low grade fuel because it makes the transmission jump, so its high-grade and the occasional fuel-injector system cleaner as well. My vehicle is in excellent condition and I baby it. I can't stand break downs.
It has affected my driving as well, for example I'm advising my current part-time job that unless they move me to somewhere local, I'm resigning. I've had enough of the prices, and whats devastating for me is that I simply LOVE to drive! I know there is no break in sight thus I'm sure we'll be looking into getting a more "economical" vehicle. Although, between my family and our pets who always seem to be traveling with us, I can't imagine what vehicle would fit us all and be better on fuel?!