I'm Still Kickin'
Hey Everyone!
So sorry it's been so long. Things have been nuts all the way around. My dad was real sick and in and out of the hospital for awhile, then I had some "female problems" that I finally had to have surgery for last Friday...eh, will it ever end?!?!? Plus, somehow I managed to find myself a man, so he kind of takes up some of my time. And then there's work, that's just work but I've been so busy it seems. I wanted to stop in though and check up on everyone-read some posts and profiles to see how you were coming along-WAY TO GO! You're all looking/sounding great.
I am not quite 6 months out yet and have lost a whopping 84lbs. I now weigh 166lbs. and feel great. I'm assuming this is good weightloss b/c in prospective, I only need to loose 46lbs. to reach my goal!!!!!!!!! Still no major problems, like I never had the surgery except not eating as much-still a very sensitive "dumper"-far too carb sensitive but it definitely keeps me in check. Now thanks to the time change I am back to walking in the evenings too. Still stink at getting enough fluid every day and I hear about it all the time from everyone. Protein and I are friends though, especially since I found an unflavored protein powder at GNC-I add it to nearly everything, even coffee.
Well back to work. Hope you're all doing fine.
All my best,

WAY TO GO DANIELLE, You have done great. Sorry to hear about your dad but hope he is better
Sounds like you are very busy AND you have that little one also. I know he keeps you on your toes. I guess that has helped with the weight loss too.
I say you have lost a GREAT amount of weight. I have lost 70# in the same time but then I am very happy with that so far. Keep up the great work and keep us informed.