Is this all there is?
I've thought of that somewhat. But one thing I have realized and that is that I didn't get like this overnight and I'm not going to lose it "overnight". It took YEARS of self-abuse and if the projected time to lose a certain amount is a year to 18 months then I know I have to work at it however we need to think not even 12-18 months but for the rest of my life. This is the time to develop healthy eating habits and exercise - and keep that up for a lifetime otherwise we're doomed to returned to our old selves. I've found that at 6 months things start to the stomach healing better and to the point where those foods that gave me trouble no longer do - and that sometimes I can eat more than I should but this time again I say is for developing habits: exercising, eating in small portions, chewing properly, keeping up with your proteins, and vitamins. Keeping up with all we're supposed to do beyond the 12-18 months will insure that we have continued success with our weightloss. Keep up the good work!