Question of the day...
Don't shoot me for getting all serious on ya! PLEEEEZZ?
Who is/was the single most greatest influence on you as a person?
I would have to say my parents...especially my dad. He is the best dad a girl could have. He spent sooo much time with me and my 3 sibblings. He took us moose and bear hunting, taught us how to survive in the wilderness alone. How to start a fire w/o matches, how to fish, how to navigate by the stars, how to persevere, how to NEVER say I quit, how to always have faith, how to stand out in the crowd, how to fight for what is right no matter what the cost, how to appreciate every little thing and most importantly to me, how to trust God and have personal relationship with him. I never heard my father swear, I have never heard or seen him give up or lose faith, he would NOT tolerate negative talk ever. He always said YOU CAN!
Sorry to go on like that...whew, I had no idea all of that would come gushing out of my fingers when I started to answer... I love my daddy.
(Please pray for him...he just found out that he might have prostate cancer. He was biopsied this week.)

I guess I will have to say my Aunt. She was a kind of rebel in her own time. She made me realize how much a woman can accomplish in her life. She was always there for me to talk to and no matter what I was doing or where I was in my life, she encouraged me to "be myself because I was a great person". She raised 3 boys, was a loving wife and ran a very successful business and still had time to always be positive.
Unfortunately, she is now a victim of alzheimer's and has lost her vim and vigor but her day..........Wow...
(just a note, Sallykate, my grandfather DID have prostate cancer at the age of 70. He took treatment and was cured. I will pray that you Dad doesn't have prostate cancer but if he does, it is not the end. They can treat it very successfully now.)
I would have to say my mom and my grandfather (her dad). My own dad died when I was 12 so my granddaddy became a surrogate father. I think of him now, an evangelist, down on his knees praying for hours......yes, hours. My mom showed me servitude as she cared for her aging parents and her children.........she was very self-sacrificing.
My prayers are with you and your father. Even though the years were short with my own dad, I loved him dearly. I was by his side every waking moment.........that I do remember!

I would have to say my husband. He taught me how to love and be loved when I thought I was unloveable. He's been through it all with me and is still here (10 years April 1st, (No Joke)). He's shown me how lead, and follow, and stand beside someone, depending on what they needed. He's taken me places I'd never thought I'd go, and always been there for me when I went and came back myself. He's the best!!