I'm home!
Hi everyone,
my surgery was successfully completed on 03/25/05 and I have been home 2 nights. There was a little problem, after my previous attempted gastric bypass in December, there were alot of adhesions and in trying to get them all out, my spleen was torn and had to be removed. You can live without your spleen but I had to get 3 horrible immunizations before I could be discharged and will have to get them every 3 years. I have huge bruises from these and the multiple IV's but am having minimal pain, took pain meds at 4:45 am and not again until 04:15pm and then only 1/2 the dosage. In a day or so I won't need it at all. I do have a jp drain in but hope to have that removed next Wednesday 04/06/05. Only bad thing is, it feels like I am getting a urinary tract infection. Any suggestions?
congratulations on making to the other side!!! Sorry you're having some difficulties only time will heal all wounds - and it will happen in time. A month after surgery I was diagnosed with having UTI but didn't have or feel any symptoms didn't take the medication that was prescribed to me either..but that was me. I'd monitor that and ask the doc's what to do or your PCP. Good luck and may you have a speedy recovery!
Sorry to hear about the UTI...I would call my surgeon and see if he could give you some antibiotics. But I am so glad to hear that you are home and it finally happened for you! I remember when the last attempt wasn't so successful and look at you now...on the losing side! Congrats and good luck!!!!!!
Thanks everyone!
I did call the dr and got an antibiotic and feeling fit as a fiddle now. My post op weight loss is now 18 pounds so I am one happy camper! I go to the Dr on Wednesday to see about getting this JP drain out and then I will feel more human!
335 beginning of journey/324 day before surgery/306 today/160 goal