I am still pre op. I have jumped through so many hoops I feel like a basketball. I am working with Dr. Cox office and they have all my paperwork. His office is awesome. The problem lays with the pulm and the cardio. Last week I had appointments with both and neither have records of me every being there. I have the perscriptions and the approvals from the doctors but Dr. Cox's office needs records from them that they don't seem to be able to find. The Psyc has also not submitted his report but Carey at Dr. Cox says that may take up to another week. Am hoping that this is a minor set back.
The Pulm wanted me to do a sleep study which I did. Unfortunatly the center here that does the study does it in 2 parts. 1 if they find no problems. If they do find an apena then they do a second night with a CPAP machine. The insurance won't pay for the 2nd one and of course they found a problem.Even though we don't have the CPAP part of the test I am wondering if I can still get the go ahead. Any one that has had this please help
The third thing is the thryoid. My TSH level started out in August at 95.4. As of today it is down to 15.71. A very big drop. Not big enough. The insurance company now want an Endocrinoligist to eval before they will look at any of the paper work.
Do the hoops ever end???
Thanks for listening. I am a little(LOT) frustrated today. Not sure which way to go.
Hi Kat, yes eventually the hoops do end. It took me almost a year to get through everything I needed. The main thing being getting my thyroid straightened out. Then it was waiting for a letter, than waiting on records, etc. You can read about it in my profile. But I assure you, there is alight at the end of the tunnel, you may not see it now, but it's there.
Kat, this entire process does seem to be one where you have to just take it one step at a time and realize that after you've taken the step, you have to say "now what" and then take another step and then say "now what", because it's always something.
Eventually you'll get to the end, have your surgery and then wonder how it happened!!
Good luck!

Kat, please don't get too frustrated. I started my WLS journey in May of 2003 and didn't get surgery until December of 2004. I'm not telling you that to cause you more grief, just to let you know that eventually, the hoops do end.
I would contact your insurance provider if the Psych and Pulm doctors claim they don't have records or whatever they are saying. If your insurance paid them, they better have records. I had to do a lot of the footwork for my paperwork myself. Ask your surgeon exactly what paperwork they need that they are not getting. Relay this information yourself to the Pulm and Psych and tell them time is of the essence, you can't keep waiting for paperwork.
Good luck and keep us posted. We've all been there waiting for what seems like an eternity.
~ Trish
Hi Kat,
Yes, the hoops do end eventually. Just look at as though everyone is being thorough, which is in your best interest. But I know how you feel, after having been denied five times before becoming a big loser last October.
Hang in there. There is always a reason why, although we may not understand it.