Question of the day...
If you could choose which era you wanted to live in...which would it be? Why?
I would choose the late 1700's early 1800's. I love the old west and the sense of family that was still so prevalent and traditional at that time. I would have hosen to live out of the city... the frontier life.
My life growing up was somewhat like that. My family lived as missionaries in a small town that consisted of gold miners, outfitters and a small indian village on the outskirts of the tiny town. We lived 120 miles from the nearest city and 10 miles back in the bush away from anything in a simple log cabin. No electricity, no running water... yup no toilet indoors. Winters were consistently 35-45 deg below 0. I miss that life...
I love simple... so the 1800's would suit me just fine!
Hope you all are having a GREAT week...2 more days til the weekend.
This is such a hard question for me. I use to say I would of loved to be a participant in the 1960's stuff, now that thought makes me gag...don't like that peace, love and happiness stuff anymore. Now I turn towards more of a medivel times...but with my luck I would be a bar wench instead of a female knight, I don't think those were common. Ok...I have decided medivel but only if I can be a sword weilding bar wench by night and a princess by day

I would probably choose the future. The past is wonderful to read about but I couldn't imagine living in it, the way women where treated....the lack of modern medicine and such. Our current time is good and I'm happy with it but I look forward to the future and all the advancements that will be around when I'm older. Already I look at how "advanced" I thought things were in the 80s & 90s when I was growing up, that are now so far outdated its scarey.